Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Onions! "...the rest of the story..."

Uhh, just a few teeny-weeny comments about Wendy's rendition of onion drying....
First off the dehydrator, while a terrific bargain, is HUMMMMMS
at about 110 i have asked her to run it mostly at night. I awoke at 2:30 a.m. to nearly visible onion breakfast all of us sat hunched over our granola with watering eyes. At ten Wendy declared the onions about "half done" and i declared war on the chanting machine and its offending cargo. Out to the porch it went. By noon the squirrels who have been tormenting my flats of garden plants trying to harden on the porch retreated to the trees, kept putting little fur paws to eyes as if they had tears. Amazingly the plants did not wilt!
At the end of the episode the following conclusions can be drawn:
1) Garden onions are nowhere as stinky as store onions. Grow your own for dehydrating.
2) Onion smell can linger in clothing, upholstery, and peopleskin for up to three days after the onions themselves have been removed from the area
3) A good quality dehydrator, run on the porch for a full day, can cause the neighbors two houses away to get teary. Best offset for this is to offer them some of the finished product.
4) Dehydrating onions on the porch can be a fine squirrel deterrent...and does a fair number on encyclopedia salesmen, the Schwanns man, and Jehovah's Witnesses as well.

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